Friday, September 01, 2006

I leave tomorrow

I leave tomorrow. I have to practice saying I leave tomorrow, so that when tomorrow comes hopefully I'll be able to say that I leave tomorrow. It's strange to think that I'm finally leaving for Ireland, after thinking about it and dreaming about it for 9 months, its finally becoming a reality.

Packing is not fun, and I must say that I was extremely organized and prepared to begin packing. Though I wasn't prepared to have too much stuff to fit into my luggage. So after a panic, and a brillant suggestion by my mom to use a bigger suitcase, I have most everything packed. It feels odd to leave home for four months and only have these to live out of:

Right now I feel a bit dazed, as though this isn't really happening. Going to Ireland is something I've dreamed about since December last year when I started applying. And now it's happening, I have to pack, I have to say goodbye, I have to be ready to be completely on my own. I think I can do it. Afterall, I will be in Ireland and I'll love every minute of it.

Next time I write I'll be in Ireland!


Tony! said...

Have fun!

Tony! said...