Friday, October 20, 2006

Going to the Zoo Zoo Zoo

Last weekend Mom and Dad came for a visit to Ireland. After showing them around Dublin city Sunday they went off on their own and explored the land of saints and scholars. The next weekend they came back to Dublin and I showed them another good time (because that's what I do). And where else did we go but the zoo! Apperantly Dublin Zoo is a Victorian zoo. I'm not sure what that means, but the monkies were darn cute.

These orangutans were really friendly.

The sign reads: Gorilla - gentle giant. Notice the cracks in the glass.

Gorillas have big hands

The cute widdle cuddly lions are sweepy!

The rhinos were absurdly cool. And they really liked their log.

Now of course the few days I spent with my parents weren't all at the zoo. But I didn't take too many pictures with my camera because 1) the screen is broken, and 2) Dad took plenty of pictures. Unfortunately Dad's pictures can't be uploaded to blogger, so you're stuck with my zoo pictures for now.

While Mom and Dad were here we also saw the Book of Kells, which is a sweet illuminated text that some monks spent a lot of time coloring. We also saw the Long Room in Trinity which is a library with about 250,000 books, all of them old. That was really cool. The Long Room also had the oldest Irish Harp and one of the few remaining Proclaimations of Independence. I was in nerdy Irish history heaven.

We also wandered around Dublin and saw the General Post Office, Temple Bar, Trinity, O'Connell Street, University College Dublin (where I go to school), and some shady streets. It was good fun! We did a bus tour as well and got to see the National Gallery, Pheonix Park, Museum of Modern Art, St. Patrick's Cathedral and Christ Church Cathedral.

Mom also bought me some pancake mix and maple syrup (from Vermont) and I made pancackes yesterday. They were absolutely delicious and I'm probably going to be making absurd amounts of pancakes from now on.

Yesterday I also was at a ceile (pronounced kay-lee) which is where people get together and dance Irishly to Irish music. I made a fool of myself but it was really fun. There was a guy there who played the Uilleann pipes (pronounced ill-um) and they were really cool to learn about. Absolutely brutal to learn how to play, but they were really cool to hear. So now when I get back to Minnesota I can pretend to Irish dance with all of you!


Jamison! said...

your hand! it's compared to an apes. i went to the 'trail of terror' tonight, and it was hilarious. i was the 'brave leader' of our group, and one of the girls was clinging to my back the whole time. (don't worry, she's not a threat. she has a crush on another guy in the theater dept.)

Tony! said...

Thanks for the Post Card!
I will try to only expose my dashing good looks and pearly whites.

Rhinos are you

Tony! said...

They told me two pubs to try to get to, that palace, and mulligans? something similar to that. and said to maybe go to the Brazen Head for a pint just to say I've been. Bridget said skip temple bar and all the tourist stuff and just wander around. I intend on wandering around and tourist things as well. Apparently Dave and Bridget live about an hour and a half south of Dublin in "the sunny southeast" about 5 min from the beach in a house built in the 1800s...Neither of them drink half and half. Both of them drink Guiness like it is water. I can drink Guiness no problem now....Looking foreward to that tour! AND SEEING YOU!!! I hope germany was good, if it wasn't 2 am there I might have called you.
