Saturday, December 09, 2006

Counting the days

I have 2 weeks now until I leave Ireland for home, and I've been reflecting quite a bit on my adventure here in Ireland. At times it seems like I haven't done enough, other times it seems like I've done a lot. I guess I'll just have to come back some time to make up for all the things I haven't done yet. Here are some of the things I will miss about Ireland and the things I do miss about home and am excited to go back to.

O'Connell Street and the Millenium Spire
  • Abundance of cheesy chips
  • The friends I've met and being able to easily hang out with them
  • Buses with a top level (especially the number 10 that got me to wherever I wanted to go)
  • Public transportation that will take me anywhere I want to go in Ireland
  • Europe being so close
  • People being so incredibly friendly
  • Being able to go to bars with friends for a few drinks
  • Slower pace of life with fewer pressures
  • History everywhere
  • The green grass
  • Rainbows on an almost daily basis
  • Tesco-brand anything (though I hear it's coming to the states!)
  • Making jokes about the English and people understanding
  • Classes three days a week
  • Seeing sheep and cows everywhere
  • Irish architecture
  • Cheap texts and phone calls
  • Meeting people from around the world
  • Funny green exit signs
Our old backyard during what I think was spring break.
  • Snow (but not the cold!)
  • My family and friends
  • Chip, Tipper, and Buffy
  • My nook
  • A normal amount of clothes
  • Being able to say strange things without people thinking I'm strange
  • House parties
  • Jamba juice and delicious smoothies
  • Target and knowing where to get things like school supplies, paper, anything...
  • Multiple choice and short answer tests
  • Baked potatoes with sour cream
  • Being able to understand anyone when they talk
  • The dollar and any sort of dollar menu
  • Theme nights for no reason
  • Cuddling
  • Double chocolate fudge cake from Zeno
  • Working internet
  • Being able to talk to my friends
  • My purple fuzzy slippers

1 comment:

Tony! said...



I opened a box of trix today and they were ball shaped. i was thrilled to the max.
It even says 'new shape. same great taste' on the box